English English Haitian Creole Haitian Creole Portuguese Portuguese Spanish Spanish

Crumpled Tissue Tree

Crumpled Tree is easy to do and uses glue that kids love to use. Coordinated with PreK theme: Trees

Materials Needed:

  • Construction Paper (brown & another color)
  • Tissue Paper (green) – can use other colors to add flowers or apples too!
  • School Glue


  1. Glue brown trunk to Construction Paper
  2. Crumple up green tissue paper. Can glue with school glue flat or crumpled up tissue paper pieces to the construction paper to create top of tree.
Conversation Starter with your child:
Discuss seasons and use different types of colors for fall and what happens to trees for each season.

Don’t forget to post your pics on Instagram – tag us @coolcatnewark or #coolcatartbag


English English Haitian Creole Haitian Creole Portuguese Portuguese Spanish Spanish